Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Cough Sweet Cough

Latest picture of the kids together...
Well we are into our 10th day of illness....seems I am the only victim left really suffering.. figures. Cough, Cough, Cough. I have my fever back for a return visit and coughing so bad I feel like I am doing abs of steel. Going to the doctor today....probably tell me just to tough it out.....also figures. Send thoughts of zinc and Vit C our way......cough, cough, cough

Friday, July 24, 2009


While sitting at home yesterday, sick, Kailee was watching out the window and saw this.

Her friend Fletcher riding his "2-wheeler"!

This morning, Kailee got up, put on her clothes and despite still having a fever. She went out to accomplish her goal. Within about 30 minutes and no help from Mom... she had it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Everyone is SICK!

Basically everyone has fever, coughing, sneezing and buckets of green crap running out of their faces.

It is truly joyful.

Enter at your own risk

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Alligator Wrestling

Putting eye drops in youngsters is somewhat akin to wrestling an alligator...a small one...but still very feisty.
Steve Irwin would be proud.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Day to Remember

6am--Startled awake by a little toe-head face saying "Make Waffles, mum!"
6:15am --Make batter, waffle, add syrup, cut to appropriate size....Nate eats 3 bites...I proceed to eat 3 waffles.
7am--Kailee awakes with gummy eyes and cries when I try to wipe them this point I am thinking bad chlorine eyes from previous night swimming.
7:30am--Off to the YMCA for mom exercise time.
8:10am--after a 15 minute cry fest about being "on Ka-Ke side" of the child care area and refusing to wear his shoes (required)...we exercise. Mom....disappointed.
8:20am--pick up form to take to DR office for Kailee's preschool==saying she has no history of communicable disease and has had her shots.
8:25am--Nate cries all the way to Wal-Mart...he wants to sit in Kailee's car seat and not his own
9:30am--Walmart. Kailee continually rubs in Nate's face that he does not get to swim beacuse he did not go to school.
10am --drive to swim lessons for Kailee at our neighborhood pool...where Nate is not allowed to swim.
10:30am--Nate falls in adult swim pool while walking around the edge saying "swim, swim".
10:31am--Nate sitting in towel naked, waiting for swim lessons to be over.
2:30pm--Kailee plays computer and comes over with gummy stuff...runny down her cheeks...
2:35pm--Tearful and challenging rinse of eyes with Saline...holding her down...arms and legs.
2:35pm--I call the dr to get advise and she gives us pink eye drop to pick up
3:30pm--Kailee wakes from 1/2 nap with 102 fever, stomach ache and headache...OUCH.
4:15pm--headed to Dr office...Nate refuses to leave Kailee alone...playing "I'm not touching you" the whole way there. Kailee "I don't have to have a shot do I?"...tears....
5:15p--Done with dr....rapid strep negative....popsicle, form signed and back to me for school...and a dose of Motrin.
5:30p--pick up take out
5:45pm--Tearful and challenging bought with eye drops.
7:30p--kids up to brush teeth
7:35p-I jump unto the bed and put my hand in something wet.."I forgot to tell you I peed in the bed this AM..."
10:30--Using the carpet cleaner to suck water out of the downstairs carpet...and scoop put sump hole with a bucket.
11p--lay down in bad a realize I should check on my sisters house 2 miles away...they are out of town..
11:30p--return from sister's house...all is well..except for 12-18" drifts of hail by all the storm drains and winter driving conditions....

Let's try that again.

Weekend Update

There was so much going on this weekend we never got a chance to tell you about it.
-Park in Golden
-Playing in the river in Golden (swimming/falling in the river.... vision in your mind... chattering teeth and naked kids crying that they want more as mom and dad carry them to the car)
-Boating with Uncle Dave, Aunt Nora, Colin and Kale

Here is a photo dump of all the activities.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lake and could it be... a nap

Today we took Nora and Dave's boat out on Barr was Nate's first time on a small boat...he was a little tentative (unusual for him). They all did and watching the fish jump out of the nibbles though (can't imagine why not--with all that casting, hooks, etc). We had a good time and when we got home...Nate slept all afternoon!! (and still went to bed at 7:30) YEAH!! The elusive nap has made a re-appearance at our house....

Ah! Gotta love a nap!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Glimmers of a nap-free Nate?

Oh...the many things you can do when your 2.
Now that Nate has discovered he can open doors...he has also decided naps are not so much fun either. Crossing my fingers we are just going through a phase...and napping will least until preschool!! (ha ha) Kailee gave up naps at about this time....2 ish.....used to drive her around til she fell asleep....but when you have 2 kids in the car...they are too busy "not touching" each other that they hardly ever fall asleep...bummer.
Latest pics of Nate from JCP....and one of the two of them...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"What do you want to be when you growup?"

A truck driver or..............
A fireman

"Spraying you Daddy"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Daddy, can we get a new fish now?"

Since last Wednesday Kailee has decided she would like a new fish for her tank. She has been so focused! Repeatedly asking "can we go to the fish store now, can we go to the fish store now?" "Daddy, I really really want a new fish"

We sat down together and looked on-line to see what fish would be compatible with our already existing school.

We narrowed it down to 3 different options. Sunday, we finally got a chance to go out the a new fish store and make our selection.

Unfortunately within two miles of the house, Kailee lost her focus and took a siesta. So, we sat in the parking lot while she freshened up.
She was a little groggy going into the store but quickly came around when we saw all the fish and fish tanks. We went past each one, identifying all the fish we knew and asking about the ones we didn't. Then we found the three fish we had identified on-line a few days prior. After visiting with each fish, multiple times, and changing our mind, multiple times. She made her selection. And proudly held the fish all the way home.
Her choice, a rainbow shark. In the car she announced to me, "It's a girl and her name is Sarah" - Good luck Sarah

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Dynamic Duo

Hiding from Mom before school this morning.

"shhh Daddy, don't tell her"...."ok"

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Only when your 2.....

This morning I left Nate at the table with his breakfast...a bowl of cereal and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. First words I hear are my 4 year old saying "Oh no you did not Nate...." upon arriving at the scene...and taking a few deep breaths...I found Nate sitting by the diaper bag with his nearly empty cereal bowl in hand...
He had decided to take his cereal with the bag....milk and all.
Sigh. Very clever idea....seemed to make sense at the time.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I just went up the stairs to find Nate, my newly anointed 2 year old (who is supposed to be napping) standing in the middle of his room, diaper off...peeing on the floor.....and every stitch of clothing he has on the floor (instead of in his, too near the ground, dresser). Motherhood does have its perks!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hide and Seek

Nate was hiding in his favorite place. This morning it didn't take long for us to find him.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Nate's 2nd Birthday.. Party

We had the families over for Nate's (and Chris's) actual Birthday Party. Where else but the pool. Everyone had a good time. The weather was a little cool.
Chris brought his friend Blake and they enjoyed the Deep end.
Kailee and Nate were a couple of fish.
I tried to catch the pool action once I was all pooled out.
Grandma and Grandpa France brought up the amazing cakes.
We were all pretty tired when it was over.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Everybody loves and a parade....and a fish

We joined our neighborhood, following the firetruck for a parade to the pool! Kids rode bikes, rode in strollers and wagons, scooters and walked....

....then on came the fire hose....

...since we were already wet...we just jumped into the pool....literally...

Nate has decided that he can dive, jump in and touch the bottom and just put his head in and go for a himself....fearless....

Here's to a good nap!!!

4th July baby....

Happy 2nd Birthday Nate!!
Nate woke early for his birthday....for his AM round of Happy Birthday singing and breakfast cupcake....

Then is was on to a morning bike ride.....sure the neighbors loved the 6am bike riding!

Now we are off to the neighborhood 4th july kids parade...we already have our bikes to follow!