Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonder France's.....

We had a fun time during Grandma and Papa's visit on Monday...
We even played WonderPets!...guess which one is Lenny....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Blame Dad....

I went into Nate's room and as usual I could smell his issue from outside the door....he had awoke from his nap with a gift for's how the conversation went down...
Mom: "Are you stinky?
Nate: "Uhn, Uhn."
Mom: "Did you poop your pants? Are you aahcky?"
Nate: " Dada."
Mom: "Dada is stinky?"
Nate: : "YEAH!"
Mom: "Dad pooped his pants?"
Nate: "YEAH!"

The blame game begins early for Nate.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Parent Challenge

Seems there are so many things to teach the kids...and all at the "most valuable years" to learning and teaching....a person could get stressed thinking about it all...
Not only the ABC's and 123's.....
Things like:
Don't talk to strangers...but do not be paranoid of people you do not know.
Memorize your phone number...but do not get lost
Memorize your address and teach them how to use 911....but everything will be alright
Be independent...but listen to me and do what I say please.
We honest...but keep somethings to yourself....
Balancing playtime, creative time, TV time and yes even improving hand eye coordination by playing video games...
Don't squash any creative by telling them the way you do it...
Teach them about people who have nothing....but never let them want for anything important...
Be kind and helpful...but know your personal limits...

Seems there are countless things to be aware you talk, how you act toward others, how you react to tough situations, how you vent your frustration.....your kids are your mirror...its a lot of pressure!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Play Nice.....

Just the last few weeks I see some hope. Hope that my children will one day play together in harmony (for at least 2-3 minutes at a time).....

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oh Mom!

Babies can wear anything! This is a mix of a prison-stripe "mansie" and a zip up the back sweater (which I love) that makes him look a little like a Teletubbie or an Um-pa-lumpa!!

Someday Nate will wonder who in the world thought this outfit was a good idea...and I will just snicker to myself......

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A kid at school...

I helped at Kailee's preschool today...always an adventure in childhood antics and keeping your lid on. I praise the teachers who do this everyday...again and again saying things like "please share", cover your mouth when you cough" and "please keep your hands to yourself"--oh what patience (all the whining hurts my ears). Kailee does fairly well at school...but by the time 11:30am rolls around she is pretty exhausted from all the concentrating, sitting and listening. Keeping 9 kids attention is what makes the big people tired and paying attention makes them tired....
Hard to believe I have a kid old enough to be in "school".
Summary of teacher progress report: "Kailee is doing well--knows what she should for her age, great at puzzles and could use a little work on conflict skills--she can play a little too rough"
Nothing we did not know....and we are so proud of our big girl!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why is it.....

Why is it that 5 out of 7 days my time with the kids looks like this.

Up at 6:30 -7:00, must eat, get dressed and ready for the day.

8 - 5 or 5:30, Work

Come home, eat, play and put kids to bed between 7 and 7:30.

That gives me a few minutes in the morning and about 2 - 2.5 hours in the evening. To add to the joy, those hours are over the witching hours, kids are tired and acting up, fighting about going to bed, blah blah blah.

That translates to roughly 10% of the day working parents get to spend with the kids. And this is not based on crazy hours. I've already left a job because of crazy hours.

How and why did the human race put themselves in this predicament? How do you improve the next generation with 10% of their time? Its no wonder things progress so slowly?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009


Kailee decided today that leaving her friends house was not what she was ready to do...preceded to throw a fit (including the precursory crying and screaming)...finally leaving under duress in only her princess underwear (they were playing dress-up) and no shoes.

Point of Note:
Weather today 30 degrees and 50% chance for snow.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The heart of a mother....

Today my 4 year old excitedly called from the bathroom...."Mom, come and look at this!" As many moms know this is NEVER good...sitting naked on the potty she eagerly told me to look in the toilet and see her "seal shaped poop" and the "other piece that broke off" every mother should...I said "That is great, your right it does look like a seal!"
The zoo does wonders for the imagination.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Our Family Tradition

It's snowing out. So we had a fire, turned off the TV, read books and
enjoyed family time. It's refreshing.

Got the blues?

Yesterday I spent 1/2 hour trying to wash the blue gel out of Nate's hair in the sink....even with soap the blue would not come I resorted to scissors...I trimmed most of his mohawk off..oops! Oh well...its only hair.
Today, he fell off the toilet and bonked his head and smashed his finger between to logs outside...OUCH...
Kailee skinned her toe on the bottom of the pool during swim lessons and did not walk for 1/2 the day....
Mom of the I come!
Swim lessons did go very well. She is kicking her legs, paddling her arms and sticking her face into the water with ease. She's quite a little fish.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

This Grandma ROCKS!!

Guitar Hero is the universal language....they had fun playing together...everyone! Heading home today from Woodland Park.....after little sleep I am a little anxious to get to our own bed.
Brain is too tired to think of anything else....
Rock On!

Are you a rocker?

Through and through!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Visit to Grammy & Papa France

On a 4 day trip to grandma's house about an 1 1/2 hours from home....great Aunt Mary is in town for a visit from LA. These trips are always full of commotion and frenzied play with cousins and relatives....leading to poor naps and late bedtimes...but SO much fun! So far I have only broken 2 dishes trying to "help" in the sleepy stooper I call my day (well--some days)--and I have one more day to go!

Kailee and Nate with cousin Issac.."playing sleep" on Grammy's couch. (Right)

Nice to have help managing the mahiem that is my kids--away from the safe, child-proofed world they live in most days--we love spending time at the grandparents house. Even here my little Kailee shows her true colors of "pushing buttons" when she picks Auntie Mary (whom she has only seen 3 times her whole life) to put her to bed...over Grammy (who loves putting the kids to bed)---figures.

Nate regressing to infancy --playing with the baby bouncer. He sat in it like a recliner reading The Hungry Caterpillar. (Left)

It's nice that it doesn't take a major holiday to bring all the family together (well most of it anyway)...and kids, and dogs...and everything else.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I asked Kailee how preschool went today....her reply....
Kailee...."Today a kid had a big snot...and another kid had big boogers...but I did not even need a kleenex."
Huh...Perspective.....guess my day went OK too....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

With a rebel yell.....

I could not pass up the chance
to give my little guy this haircut!
How can a little person have this
much attitude and personality.....

A sad day....the first day he scaled the side
of his crib...luckily I was there to catch him...
this time.....


Monday, February 2, 2009

Hide and Seek

Ready or not.... Here I come.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Birthday Gifts

Dad: Finally got them all assembled. She had a lot of fun zooming around
on her new ride.
Mom:Got a little misty-eyed when I saw her riding this big does come full circle....I loved my big wheel....


I thought my husband was crazy when he started a "blog"....but after reading his blog day after day I realized that maybe it was a good tool....not only as an outlet for fun and frustration...but as a tool to communicate with everyone who knows us....and cares to log on. Here is the beginning of our story......
A "normal" Colorado home and neighborhood (or we like to think so!)