Friday, July 30, 2010

Oh I Don't Think So

For those of you that know Kailee's eating habits. Bask in the irony.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Kailee and Nate know have webbed feet. They've enjoyed a lot of pool time with their cousins!
Everyone's having a blast just hanging out.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kids playing baby?

The kids decided to play "sleeping baby"....I decided to film their wonder I am so tired....there babies are tough! They enjoyed watching themselves over and over again being silly....

Pictured: Kailee, Nate and neighbor kids Keara and Aidan

Garden Update

Our garden is coming along....we are learning a lot about bugs, space and how long it takes to make food grow!
Nate has not let a strawberry come inside....he eats them right there next to the garden huge zucchini, couple tomatoes, lots of lettuce and some spinach...few small carrots, few beans and some far so good....Sacrificed....broccoli (bugs) and one kind of lettuce that turned out kinda bitter.
Not growing good....cucumber, marigolds....
We are also working on adding a second box for next year to give ourselves a little breathing room and "gardening out" that whole back corner! Whew!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cousin Chris plays for the Braves!

We went to Colorado Springs yesterday to see Chris play baseball his first season ever! He did a great job...he played 1st base...2nd base, right field..... and left center field! A few pics and a video of him up to bat!
Way to go Chris!! We are so proud of you!Keep up the practicing and next season will be ever better! Proud grandpa, Kailee and baseball player Chris!

On the way home....

If there is a limit on the number of questions a tired 3 year old can ask in a one hour and forty five minute period....I think we reached it...about an hour ago...
Nate and I were on our way home from Colorado Springs keep himself awake...he likes to talk and ask

Does the moon have wings?Where does the gas go in the car?
How does the engine move the wheels?
Why does Laura and CJ's car have different wheels on it? (missing hub cab maybe?)
Why is Kailee staying at grandma's house?
What kind of gas does the car use?
Why is the moon showing us where to go?
Did someone shoot out the moon? (it was a crescent)
When are we going to get home?
Why to police cars have bumpers?
Why do they have to get there so fast?
Why do we have to wear our seatbelts?
Why is that car going so fast?
Why do we live in Arvada?
But why?But why?
But why?
Buy why?
I was so exhausted after the trip I immediately went to bed...lucky Nate did too...since it was 10pm....OUCH! Oh to be 3....

First Tomato of the season....YUM!

Not perfect but DELICIOUS!!!


Goofy kids at the playground at Mueller State Park during our camping trip!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Kids sleeping longer than urban legend?

I thought it was an urban legend....the idea that kids slept longer than there least it was at our house for the last 5 1/2 years....UNTIL NOW!!!.....

On our most recent camping trip BOTH kids....let me repeat BOTH KIDS slept longer than Brian and I, it was 8am for Nate and 8:30am for Kailee!! We got up and out of the camper...ate breakfast and sat quietly for 10-15 minutes was heavenly. Maybe it will happen again sometime.....oh....I can dream can't I???

Mueller State Park Camping

We had a great time camping at Mueller State Park this weekend! Started Friday with a little hail and a LOT of rain and improved nicely from there! We had about 10 famailies that we knew we hiked around sharing campfires and letting this kids PLAY, PLAY, PLAY
On a little nature hike with the kids, they have TONS of trails to hike & bike on....this was a special kids trail....
The family...after the kids slept in longer than the adults....does that really happen????!!! (see video to follow on this topic)
Grandma and Papa France came to play with us for a little bit on Saturday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July Party Pics....

On the actual 4th of July we stayed around home in the AM for the annual Meadowglen celebration...firetruck parade and fire hose soaking! We also swam and had a few turns in the jump castle....
Then on to grandmas for dinner and the fireworks....maybe??? NOT. Rain, wind and fireworks on the 4th for us! Just home in the car with sleeping kids...after homemade ice cream of course.

Birthday Videos

Grandma doing her "Hoop-a-loopa"

Firetruck Parade on 4th of July

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Birthday Party Hangover

Nate & Chris's Birthday Party

We spent a little time at the pool....playing with "shoot guns", splashing around and having jumping in contests....then the thunder started to rumble and we exited. We waited to see if the storm would pass quick, but it just seemed to get we packed everybody up and headed back to the house.We cooked a little food...hung out, opened gifts....and ATE CAKE!!
Favorite Gifts:
Chris: baseball glove, rollerblades & bike!
Nate: sandbox and play trucks....bubble mower!Before it was all over we lite some fireworks and watched grandma "hoop-a-loopa" (as Isaac calls it)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Garden Progress

Watching the garden grow...we have eaten green onions, lettuce and spinach so far.....its pretty packed in there.....

Wanna Play Sword?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

What Nate wants for his 3rd his own words...

"1) a Chocolate Cake
2) a cake with chocolate on it
3) a brand new shoot gun
4) a brand new snake that doesn't make any noise
5) a brand new pillow pet

That's all I want...."

Viola! A Beach in one afternoon

Grandpa and Grandma decided to build Nate a sandbox for his 3rd they came down yesterday and made it happen!A big thanks to Grandpa and Rose for all the hard work putting it together! Looks fantastic and has already been host to the neighbor kids!Happy Birthday Nate!