Thursday, May 27, 2010


Not sure I have ever been THIS tired.....I was cooking dinner right above his head (4:45pm)...and he still fell asleep.....I am moved him to the couch 45 minutes later....then woke him to make him go potty...then into bed....he slept until 5:30am!!! Sometimes a day just gets the better of you.....

Last day of Preschool

Today is Kailee's last day of preschool! Now I am officially the mom of a school-ager! Hard to believe..... This is Kailee's best "last day of school" pose.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Almost done with soccer...

Few pics from last Saturday's game....only one more game to go! Kailee is doing great! Hope she'll be ready to play in the fall again....I love to watch her grow and get better!

Some things you just gotta have.....

We found a few must have's at our community garage sale over the weekend....including this awesome Ukulele and Superman roller skates. . Some things you just HAVE to have....As for me....I found this great outdoor wood patio set...six chairs and an awesome table...for a hundred bucks!! YEAH!! Now I just have to work on giving it a good coating of wood seal....projects....

Oh, and by the way....Nate does sometimes wear something besides undies alone.....though they are his favorite!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mom VS. Elmo potty

I cannot decide whether the non-flush kid toilets are a good idea or just a giant germ carnival.....

I do have to say its nice for the kids to be comfortable while they are "working".....but the clean up...OUCH.....goes something like this

1) Happily encourage child to pee or poop2) Celebration of said poop or pee
3) Re-dressing of child and replacement of any garments that got "wet" during the process
4) Mom turns to face the Elmo potty....
Here's where it gets interesting....
Level 1--Pee
1) Dump in potty...rinse in sink
2) Repeat
3) Replace receptacle in Elmo's head

Level 2-- Poop..AKA Squirming Worms
1) Sigh heavily as you look at the mound of poop in the potty
2) Try your best to "dump" poop out....fingers crossed it comes out in one big plop...
3) Rinse...hoping the POWER of the water will excavate the sticky poop that is left from the bottom of that large plastic cup (essentially)
4) Dump...
5) Rinse....(repeat of step 4)
6) Dump...
7) Rinse..
8) Dump...still hoping it will look clean enough to quit...
9) Finally resort to using a giant wad of toilet paper to wipe the remaining do do off the plastic...
10) Rinse...
11) Repeat...
12) Sigh....leave to find your nearly 3 year old pouring his own glass of milk from a full gallon jug into a teacup...

Live to dump another day.....Thanks Elmo.....

Fancy Girls

Good Morning everyone!

Not sure if its good or bad when your kids outfits look the same as yours....just keep smiling! Admittedly I added the "Fancy Nancy" hair-do just to get her to wear hers.....

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sow Good Seed....

Beans, cucumbers, zucchini...oh my.....
Marigolds, green onions, broccoli and strawberries...yum!

We planted our seedlings and some seeds yesterday! Yeah for dirt...yeah for little helpers learning to garden! Yeah for 2 year old's occasionally wearing pants and underwear. Let's just hope Nate doesn't "over-water" the garden during his continued potty training!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Nate decided it would be more convenient to carry all his undies with him....I call it the "Undie-purse".


Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Code Words

Nearly 3 year old walking around in toy room: "Mom, I am working on something."
Mom: "What are you working on?"
Nearly 3 year old: "Just working on something (crossing his legs)"
Mom: "You better do your work in the bathroom"
Nearly 3 year old: "...but grandpa doesn't do his work in the bathroom...."
Mom and nearly 3 year old head to bathroom....
Moments later....
Nearly 3 year old "Mom, look...I pooped some squirmy worms"
Mom: "Awesome"

You never know what is going to stick.....but "squirmy worm" poop seems to have stuck!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

YEAH! Organic Farming

Found a "local" farm about 150 miles away that sells shares of veggies for the whole farm season. They have delivery spots all over CO and WY. You buy a share and pick up a box each week at a close drop off point....its called Community Supported Agriculture.
I love the idea of locally, organic grown stuff and its so easy.....we eat so many veggies it can get kinda expensive...but a couple share is only $22/week.
I am looking fwd to the supplement my own tiny garden--which is still sitting on my fireplace, waiting for the 2" of snow we got last night to melt!

What mess?

Nate is mending from a high fever and sore throat....on day two of mostly "house arrest"....except for a quick store trip each day....
They made this fine mess while watching Olivia, to which Nate promptly said "Kailee did it" while crushing the popcorn into the carpet with his shoes. Nate's on his 2nd pair of undies today after a little poop "sneeked out"---but overall doing GREAT with the potty training. He was even up twice last night to go pee....and of course needed help...makes for a tired next day...but working toward a diaper free night!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 2, Daddy's the Mommy

This morning went off without a hitch.
Nate's on a roll, he was tired and cranky today but the poddy training is still going strong. No problems for the past two days. Yesterday he even pooped on the toilet. Diapers at night still.

Today Grandma and Grandpa "in the mountains" came over for a visit. We had lunch together then hit the Butterfly Pavilion. We all had a lot of fun! Even watched the Butterfly's "hatch" and then the show were they release them. It was nice.

Oh, and check out the new Hawaii dress.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Daddy's the Mommy

Melissa is out this week getting a little R&R.

So I took some time off to get a little R&R with the kids. It's been fun.
This afternoon we took a ride over to the local (within a few blocks) National Wildlife Refuge.

It's next to a busy road and guess what's there..... what for it..... two ponds.

May Flowers

The kids have been loving on their gift from Auntie Karen. Last week
it started to bloom.