Monday, April 25, 2011

New phrases Nate is mastering??

Today Nate was hangin' out in the kitchen....talking with dad about his new went like this...
"Dad, today I got new shoes...super fast running shoes...they run so fast.... I ran so fast it scared the hell out of me....."
Dad was speechless and holding back a giggle....

Sunday, April 24, 2011


To the victor go the spoils.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save'n the Worms

This morning Kailee and I were walking to school, well.. she rode her scooter. Anyway it had rained last night and it was a beautiful morning. She stopped and picked up every worm she could find the entire way to school and through them back into the grass. On the sidewalk in the gutter where ever they had wash during the rain. She said "I'm even throwing back the ones that look dead, just in case." She just couldn't walk by and have that on her consciences. Good deeds done! Now if I could convince her that her brother was a worm.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Our big helper

Took Nate to help bag the bike race team's clothing for this year. He was a big help! Managed to sleep through the entire thing!