Saturday, March 27, 2010

We always knew about the GIANT HEAD problem...

Does Giant Head = Giant Brain?

Three kids for a day.....whew....!

Nate, Kailee and cousin Isaac together for the day.....I was tired by 11am.....boys are napping now...after a slow car ride home from the play place.....AHHH!
We did manage to attend our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt, eat 3 meals, 2 snacks and go to the play place at the APEX...with only one major loss of kid (Nate of course)....and 6-7 timeouts..(again mostly Nate).....
Pics from the hunt, crafts and snacks of the morning!
All the kids trying to get bunny attention...yes...Isaac is still wearing the police man jammies....
Kailee and Keara (neighbor girl) being bunnies!Nate could not stop hugging that bunny!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The real deal....

Gymnastics "Show"

Kailee and Nate both did gymnastics this last 2 the end of the session they do a "show" for all the are a few picture highlights! OOPS....these are the pictures Nate took with the camera.....a 2 year old view of the event.....and I have no idea who the first one is....

Oh, wanted to see animal pictures.....

There you go!

Aquarium Fun with our Cousins

We met Grandma and Papa France for lunch and a trip to the Aquarium today.....along with the cousins....We had a great time looking at the animals...chasing the kids....looking at the animals...chasing the kids....looking at animals....changing diapers...looking at animals....looking for kids....etc...Years of mischief to come....Looking through the viewing bubble back at Grandma and Papa France......

Monday, March 22, 2010


And yes, the kids have more bikes than I do.

Sunday, March 14, 2010



14) Kentucky Bluegrass
13) Kentucky Fried Chicken
12) Kentucky Derby
11) Shape of the state is nice...kinda like old-style Jiffy-pop
10) Its a more northern, southern state
9) Abe Lincoln was born there
8) Louisville slugger
7) Kentucky Bourbon "the American Native spirit"
6) it has mountains
5) it boasts more than 84,000 farms
4) it has more running water than any other state except Alaska (get some waders)
3) it starts with K--like Karen & Kailee
2) Mammoth Cave Nation park--largest recorded cave system
1) its where Karen & Tyler will be living...that's good enough for us...we'll be THERE!!!

Congrats Tyler on getting into grad school!! We love you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Does she ever stop?

Once she gets the cartwheels going....she's hard to stop...
Another thing only a mom would have to say...."Kailee no cartwheel's in the bathroom." (Quiet gag for touching the bathroom floor with her hands!)
Nate doing his best to avoid a photo!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Spider Shirt

Thanks for the Spider shirt aunt Karen and Grandma!