Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A kid at school...

I helped at Kailee's preschool today...always an adventure in childhood antics and keeping your lid on. I praise the teachers who do this everyday...again and again saying things like "please share", cover your mouth when you cough" and "please keep your hands to yourself"--oh what patience (all the whining hurts my ears). Kailee does fairly well at school...but by the time 11:30am rolls around she is pretty exhausted from all the concentrating, sitting and listening. Keeping 9 kids attention is what makes the big people tired and paying attention makes them tired....
Hard to believe I have a kid old enough to be in "school".
Summary of teacher progress report: "Kailee is doing well--knows what she should for her age, great at puzzles and could use a little work on conflict skills--she can play a little too rough"
Nothing we did not know....and we are so proud of our big girl!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. I just don't get to it often enough. Dad is sick today - have a doctor's appt tomorrow at 6:45 am. Call when you get a chance.
